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Chairman Li Jianjun visited Bangladesh to discuss cooperation projects with the Bangladesh government

2019年07月26日 15时11分40秒

Recently, the chairman of our group visited Bangladesh and conducted in-depth and extensive exchanges with the Bangladesh government on projects of mutual interest. In recent years, Bangladeshs domestic politics has stabilized, and the government has accelerated the pace of marketization and liberalization reform and accelerated integration into globalization. Actively improve the investment environment, create export processing zones to attract foreign investment, and promote domestic industrialization and urbanization.


In March of this year, the United Nations Development Policy Committee announced that Bangladesh has successfully passed the 2018 review and entered the ranks of developing countries from least developed countries. China and Bangladesh live side by side and are both populous countries. The two sides have strong economic complementarities and great potential for cooperation. In recent years, China-Bangladesh economic and trade cooperation has flourished. China has become Bangladesh's largest trading partner. Bangladesh is China's third largest trading partner and third-largest engineering contracting market in South Asia. China has become the country with the most investment in Bangladesh.


The Belt and Road Initiativerepresents a huge development opportunity for Bangladesh. As an important part of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, Bangladesh is also a node country for China to promote the Belt and Road Initiativeinitiative in South Asia. In October 2016, President Xi Jinping visited Bangladesh. China and Bangladesh decided to upgrade bilateral relations to a strategic partnership. The two sides also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. Bangladesh has become the first in South Asia. A country that has signed an intergovernmental One Belt, One Roadcooperation document with China.


Bangladesh has abundant labor resources, its advantages in labor-intensive manufacturing industries are increasingly prominent, and it enjoys preferential trade treatment in many markets, which can become an ideal place for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to move outward. At the same time, Bangladesh expects to improve its domestic infrastructure and make full use of its geographical advantages to build itself into an international transportation hub. The Chinese side has significant advantages in transportation, power, energy, communications engineering machinery and marine and marine industries. A force.


Along with the continuous deepening of China-Mexico cooperation, a large number of cooperation projects have blossomed. The Bangladeshi government said that the Bangladeshi One Belt, One Roadinitiative is a medium to strengthen inter-regional connectivity, and this initiative will promote world peace and prosperity. As a friendly neighbor of Bangladesh, under the framework of the Belt and Road, the dreams of Chinese Dreamand Golden Bengalare in harmony, and the cooperation between China and Bangladesh is moving towards a new historical height. During the talks, we reached a preliminary consensus with the Bangladeshi government. We also conducted a site visit to the project. I hope that with the joint efforts of both sides and with the support of the two governments, the project will be implemented smoothly.


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