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Delegates of Our Group Visited and Investigated the Fuxing District of Handan City and Reached a Consensus On The Development Of Circular Economy Related Projects

2020年08月18日 13时02分25秒

Recently, the delegates of our Group were invited by the Handan City Fuxing District Government to visit the area for visits and investigations. Meanwhile, the delegates of our group conducted in-depth and extensive exchanges on circular economy development industrial parks, food cold chain logistics and other projects with the district Party Committee and district Government Leaders, as well as relevant bureaus and offices, and a preliminary consensus was reached.

Handan is located in the southern part of Hebei Province and it was the capital of the ancient Zhao Kingdom. When Chairman Mao Zedong inspected Handan in 1959, he pointed out: "Handan is going to be rejuvenated," which is why the Fuxing District got its name (Fuxing means rejuvenated in Chinese). The group's trip to Handan has extensive and in-depth exchanges and discussions on the development of circular economy, food quality and safety, and the development of agriculture, industry, and transportation, which are of great significance to the innovative development of the local industrial economy, agricultural economy and the economy of the service industry.

The development of circular economy is in line with the plan of guiding the overall economic and social development of the country and region with the concept of scientific development and promoting the basic direction of economic development in harmony with population, resources and environment. It is also conducive to the transformation of economic development from an extensive growth mode of “high cost, high consumption, high emission, inconsistency, circulatory difficulty, low efficiency” to an "ecological, environmentally friendly and sustainable" economic growth mode. Circular economy not only improves the efficiency of resource utilization, but also benefits environmental protection and ecological health. Meanwhile, healthy, high-quality services and product supply are also conducive to the establishment of a complete domestic demand system, further promoting domestic consumption, making it the first driving force for domestic economic development, expanding the domestic market scale, and releasing the market potential of domestic circulation. Actively promote the recovery of consumption through the coordinated development of the three major industries in an ecological, healthy and environmentally friendly manner. Investment and construction in related fields will also help create new jobs for the local area, solve employment problems, and realize the sustainable development of the "people". The construction of a circular economy industrial park will also help to play a leading role in the local economic development. It will further explore the local development potential, open up new growth points and growth poles for various fields, and it will also provide strong support to the implementation of country’s important strategy of expanding domestic demand.

Currently, the Coronavirus Disease epidemic remains severe. In such a context, providing the residents with safe and reliable food, clothing, housing and transportation services, ensure stable employment of residents in the current unemployment crisis, and create new jobs, and further promote the complementarity of national and regional economies on the premise of not affecting the normal life of residents and ensuring their physical and mental health is extraordinary significant in this special period. Our Group hopes to take this opportunity to make due contributions to the local industrial health and economic development. At the same time, we also hope that we will be united in our efforts to overcome the epidemic very soon and achieve the recovery of national strength and overall economic prosperity.



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