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Dayou IoT Co., Ltd of Our Group visited the Headquarters of Huawei and ZTE, and Reached Preliminary Consensus Regarding Future Cooperation

2020年08月18日 13时40分52秒

Dayou Internet of Things Co., Ltd of our group recently visited the headquarters of the two groups at the invitation of Huawei and ZTE, and the delegates received a warm reception from these two groups and visited their exhibition halls. At the same time, Dayou Internet of Things Co., Ltd. conducted in-depth and extensive exchanges on the cooperation between the two parties in communication-related fields and reached a preliminary consensus.


ZTE and Huawei started their business in the same era. The two groups are part of China's 5G strategy and involve a trillion-level industrial chain. With their excellent team building and world-leading technology, the two groups occupy an important position in wireless communications, digital communications, communication terminals, cloud computing, intelligent chips, and big data. They are an indispensable backbone for the development of national communications technology.


As the main development direction of the new generation of information and communication technology, 5G will commence a new era of digitalization of the Internet of everything, which is of great strategic significance for building the nation into a strong cyberpower, building a smart society, developing the digital economy, and achieving high-quality development of China's modern economy. At the same time, the development of 5G technology and the relevant industries is also conducive to creating a good industrial environment and building a new ecosystem of mutual benefit and win-win integration of different industries. 5G will also bring a series of new communication models, new products, and new business formats, which will greatly improve people’s lives, enable them to understand information more timely, and connect agriculture, industry, and service industries with high efficiency and precision to realize the high-quality development of the national economy, it also turns the ideology of “letting technology to drive production, and to improve the quality of people’s lives” a truly achievable goal. 5G technology is more conducive to enabling the nation’s orderly and efficient opening up for cooperation, to realizing the wide-ranging and efficient cooperation, as well as the exchanges between different economies; it is also conducive to building a community with a shared future, and in the context of global economic interconnection with increasingly close connections between nations, 5G technology will also enables the achievements of realizing the mutual exchange of needs, mutual help, mutual assistance, and achievement of the common progress. The development of 5G and related technologies will also play a role in promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, and it plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the economic development of the “Belt and Road” countries. At the same time, it is of far-reaching significance for mastering the discourse power of the fifth-generation communication technology and further enhancing China's comprehensive national power and the realization of the great rejuvenation of China.


Through the cooperation of Dayou Internet of Things Company, Huawei Group and ZTE Group in the field of 5G technology, we will give full play to China's world-leading 5G technology and realize the situation where technology becomes the driving force of economic development, and the economic development boosts up the development of technology. This is of great significance to the revitalization of the Chinese nation and the development of communication technology and the economy in the “Belt and Road” countries, and it has also made great contributions to the development of the related industries.


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